Thursday, 6 December 2018

What should you know before starting an IVF cycle?

It is important to receive complete information about the process. For this you can perform interview with the reproductive gynecologist who will explain the medication schedule and the days when rest is advised or the possible risks, interview with the IVF clinic Canada biologists who will inform the couple about how the laboratory phase will be developed and the techniques that will be carried out specifically in their case and as well as the legal information regarding IVF.Interview with the psychologist specialized in assisted reproduction techniques. It is important a psychological preparation to face the emotional changes that arise during the treatment and to achieve that whatever the result suppose a positive experience for the patients.

Catheter test

A thin cannula that is the embryo transfer catheter is inserted through the cervix. The gynecologist needs to know which is the most suitable for the patient, as well as the measurements and the way of placing it, it is verified with ultrasound that the distal end is 1 cm. of the uterine fundus.

What should be done during the treatment?

You have to contact the medical team. At IVF clinic Vancouver, professionals provide patients with a telephone number where they can find expert consultation every day at any time and speak with one of the reproduction specialists.Physicians and biologists need to know some patient data. The main ones are ultrasound to confirm that the uterus and ovaries are able to start treatment, hormonal analysis and tests of viral diseases and semen control.

Conclusion: Do you have to sign some consent?

Yes. It is a legal requirement that the couple sign a specific consent of the assisted reproduction technique that they will perform. They signify that they have been correctly informed of the medical, biological, psychological, legal, ethical and economic aspects and that they understand and accept them.