Friday, 28 September 2018

What diet to boost fertility?

Adequate nutrition increases the chances of pregnancy. Burnaby Fertility Doctor offers some dietary advice to improve your fertility. In this context, the recommendations apply to both men and women.

A balanced diet

There is evidence that a healthy, balanced diet can boost fertility by coordinating hormone production and maintaining estrogen and progesterone harmony. There is no question of diet and especially no restriction, but to put in place good habits , while keeping the pleasure of eating. It is therefore to consume everything in limited quantity, ensuring balance of daily intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Antioxidants to detoxify

These foods help eliminate toxins, which play a negative role in reproduction. Antioxidants also increase the motility and concentration of sperm. You will find them among others in fruits (especially red fruits) and vegetables (especially greens), ginger, turmeric, almonds and tea.


It is an essential substance for the balance of sex hormones. In this context, it is the whole products that are the richest in calcium. It is advisable to consume two whole dairy products a day to encourage ovulation. As per the Burnaby Fertility experts you need to opt for whole milk (or semi-skimmed default), cottage cheese, Swiss pups or non-lightened yogurts. Cheese and ice cream are also sources of calcium, but should be consumed in moderation. 

"Good fats"

When we talk about food, we often tend to demonize fat. There is no question of banishing it, but choosing good fats. A sufficient intake of omega-3 contributes to the proper functioning of our body and therefore of our reproductive system. Prefer vegetable oils such as olive oil, rapeseed, nut or linseed oil or margarines rich in omega-3. Eat oily fish such as mackerel, anchovies, sardines, salmon or cod liver. Seafood and eggs are also preferred omega-3 sources. During your pregnancy, these nutrients will contribute to the good neurological development of your baby.

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