Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Natural Cures and Remedies For You

Bringing all the drugs together in one paragraph is very complicated, as the causes of infertility are numerous and require different treatments. Below we will report only the most used ones:

Drugs for ovarian and testicular stimulation: these are hormones or derivatives to be taken orally or intramuscularly. The effectiveness varies depending on the cause of infertility. In women, they can have significant side effects such as multiple pregnancies and gastrointestinal disorders. For the Fertility Centre whistler this is a real option now.


·         For women, carry out a periodic gynecological check-up.

·         Check the rhythm of the menstrual cycle in the female.

·         Avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

·         Avoid underweight and female amenorrhea.

·         Avoid obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and polycystic ovary in women.

·         Eat properly and in a balanced way.

·         If present, treat varicocele or testicular cancer humans.

·         Do not delay attempts at conception until old age (over 35).

·         Do not drink, do not smoke or take drugs.

·         Reduce or avoid stress.

·         Some suggest avoiding the cell phone in the trouser pocket; radiation can compromise fertility.

Medical Treatments

For infertility or sterility caused by anatomical factors it is possible to perform:


·         In man they are frequent: removal of varicose veins to the testicles (varicocele).

·         In women: removal of uterine polyps , submucosal fibroids , adhesions to the uterine cavity, ovarian cysts , endometritis, etc.

·         Assisted reproduction. The most known and used techniques are:

·         Artificial insemination : consists of depositing the male seed inside the woman's uterus with the use of a canula inside the cervical orifice.

·         In vitro fertilization : it is based on the collection of an oocyte via the vagina and on the subsequent fertilization in the laboratory with a spermatozoon isolated from the sperm.

Intratubal transfer of gametes : consists of the withdrawal into laparoscopy collection of of oocytes, selection of mature ones and transfer to a cannula containing the male's seminal fluid. Everything is then placed inside a tube to release its contents.

The fertility clinic bc happens to be the best option there.

Intracistoplasmic spermatozoa: similar to in vitro fertilization but in this case the spermatozoon is injected directly into the egg.

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